Category: Email Marketing

10 Email Marketing Mistakes You Need to Avoid for Better Deliverability

Did you know that roughly 45% of emails sent are considered Spam?

Yes, that number sounds bad.

Maybe your marketing emails aren’t spam, they can be treated as one by your recipient.


Taximail: Improve Email Marketing One Business at a Time

Being successful in business is all about building relationships and one way to do this is to delve into email marketing. The digital age evolves as we go along but you cannot deny that Email has a stronghold in their position as an effective communication tool.


Five Sure Ways to Increase Your Email Open Rates

Email marketing works, that’s for sure. You won’t get tons of emails everyday if companies didn’t find it effective. In fact, email is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than social media.

Yet, you fail to see its beauty; you think that doing it is only a waste of time. Why? Because your open rate is low – perhaps too low that you don’t consider trying it again.