Web Development Test

Hi applicant,

This will be your examination before qualifying for the position of Web Developer. The importance of this is not just to gauge of how skilled and proficient you are on the said field compared to other applicants but also to pinpoint skills which you lack and improve it from there.

First we need to know your self evaluation on the following website technologies (write this down on a notepad):

Rate from 1 - 10 (10 is the highest)

  • HTML:
  • CSS:
  • Bootstrap:
  • JavaScript:
  • Jquery:
  • PHP:
  • SQL:
  • Wordpress:

Once done, Click here to download the file for the test using the provided collaterals and replicate the "Homepage" file using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

This exam is timed, and is expected to be finished within 7 hours. Good time management is a skill we are looking with our web developers as we appreciate applicants that can observe deadlines.

After you are done working on your project. Submit all files to us in the form of compressed file (e.g. .rar file) with a filename DevExam-(Last Name).

Submit your Work here


    “Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. So be creative. Good Luck! :)”
    - Your soon to be Team Leader

    SEO Hacker is all about providing the world with the latest information in the SEO industry. Whether it's about Google, Facebook, Youtube, you name it - we give out only the best and freshest information from the web to you. From advices, to tips and tricks, to lessons and tutorials, we are driven in teaching the rising necessity of SEO to the internet-savvy community of the Philippines and the rest of the world. Read about our company, the people behind the brand, and our history.

    Join our group of SEO, Social Media and Web Development Specialists as we dish out the Best Quality Services to various several businesses around the globe!

    Contact Information

    3F, Unit C, C&C Building, Aguirre Ave., BF Paranaque, 1720 Metro Manila